dogpark, Vancouver

Best Dog Beach Morning

June 19, 2015
Beautiful Vancouver

Low tide at Spanish Banks is really one of a kind. Spanish Banks is regularly a great dog beach but if you can get there on a low tide (arrive at least an hour ahead of the tide time) then it’s really special. With a fantastic view of the cityscape, it feels like you can almost walk out to the tankers and the beach is 1000x bigger than normal.

The tide is an hour away from low
It goes on forever!
Expert digger…not sure what for
Seriously, is this the only Vizsla that just sits in the middle of playing?
Playing a tiny bit of fetch
So happy!

We arrived at 9:30 on a Sunday morning and there were so many dogs and owners there that we met 3 other Vizslas!

Making friends
I had to lay on the sand to get this low
Meeting and playing with Hugo
There’s nothing like two Vizslas playing
Instant friendship

This time Whiskey was accompanied by her good friend Ginger who looks like a mini Vizsla with a no-nonsense attitude. Ginger was sporting her new life jacket (complete with handles) just in case the tide pools came too high. The two had a blast running around and meeting other dogs.

Little Ginger is so short!
Ankle deep water is pretty high for her
Whiskey chases the seagulls
Ginger swimming along
This is what the handles are for!
Amazing morning

Whiskey had fun sniffing out crabs. At one point we even had to leash up Ginger when a bald eagle decided to hang out on the sand. In the end we had two very happy and tired puppies on the way home.

until next time!

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